Tuesday, March 2, 2010


It's been a while since my last post coz too many things have been happening and so many things on my mind that blogging was the last thing on the list.....
Anyway, we just celebrated Chinese New Year, a very quiet, non dramatic one and somehow it did not feel like CNY at all. You know back in those days, you will go around friends place visiting and usually it will end up at the table....gambling! But these days, I hardly see this anymore, except for the last day when I found out one of my friend was somewhere gambling the whole day. Another thing missing from CNY these days is the fire crackers. I hardly hear them going off anymore these days......in fact I hear more of this during Hari Raya and Deepavali, so what is going on?
Anyway, I am just babbling away since I have not posted anything for so long, so if anyone is reading this and gets bored.....pls get a life!
Well, just to re-cap after my last post.........been really busy the latter part of 2009, due to the economic downturn and also the weak condition in Malaysia, I have to close off my company. Yes, you heard it right, I am one of the millions that is jobless now. That period was a real intense period for me......but I am okay now.....
Now that CNY is over, I have see what my options are and what I want to do...........
Then last month, one of my uncle passed away, which was also very sudden but I have not seen this uncle for a while now. The last time I saw him was many years back during CNY too, he was his usual self, chatty and happy go lucky type. Who would have thought that he had so many health issues and by the time he passed on, he is just a skeleton of himself.
I have been helping a friend on the side since I lost my job(company)and that is what I am doing to get by every month now. I have tried employments and submitting so many resumes that I lost count, but so far no respond from any of the ads. I think my age is my biggest obstacle now, even if I am experienced and professionally qualified. I am trying not to think too much until it bogs me down but to just go on living by the day now as I really do not know what will happen tomorrow.
Then as usual, CNY is always a busy time for me as well, mainly family matters, so that is good as it takes my mind off my job issue for a while.
My only consolation to myself is I take this as a test from above and all great men goes through this before succeeding.