Our dear Foreign Minister Rais Yatim have to be applauded for coming up front to say that in UMNO, money politics is alive and thriving. It is a revelation that our Foreign Minister dare to speak out as normally one would expect them to just close one eye. I wonder if our PM in waiting will summon him up today and "goreng" him for this remark or not? Rais Yatim also said that due to his stand of not wanting to be one of the "players", his mark will not go up, so is he also implying that those with high votes actually pay? Now, is that why our PM in waiting is chalking up so high votes? I guess then the SIL must be really "kiam siap" coz his vote was not as high as expected and Dtk Mukhriz must have paid rather well.........makes you wonder right? But then again, the UMNO members now must learn to "carry leg" of the new PM in waiting, so maybe our new PM in waiting do not really need to pay anything for votes lah. Foreign Minister Rais Yatim is also under the impression that majority of the UMNO members are not interested in choosing the "right" leader up at the helm but is more concern about how much money they can capitalize. In other words, if this is even half truth, my goodness, can you imagine what sort of YB's, MP's, PM will be put in charge to run this country? You will have incompetent, mediocrity and lack luster "seem to know" people running the country, our life's and our children's life's. Honestly, I do not see any probable candidate from BN that can assume the role of PM, none! Furthermore, with this remark, where is the ACA hah? Chiak Sai lah!
On a lighter note, Shah Rukh Khan, yes the Bollywood hunk apparently appeared in a steamy

sex scene with another Indian actress, courtesy of the Scribe SRIHERO. Now, I wonder how the Governor of Melaka feels about giving the Datukship to SRK, padan muka! Actually, since our Governor of Melaka is in a roll now, he might as well issue more Datukship to actor and actresses like Catherine Zeta Jones, Sean Connery , Chow Yuen Fatt and Jodie Foster. I think these actors and actresses did more to promote Malaysia in their movies in the International level than Dtk SRK, don't you agree?

Over the weekend, MCA just had their general elections. I am not going to say who won as I am aware you all already know lah. If not, sleeping the whole weekend ah? What I wanted to say is, to me MCA and Gerakan is a "has been" because I do not see any positive outcome from them and to them as long as they are still "attached" to big bro UMNO. Everyone knows, without a reasonable doubt UMNO will never ever change their policy, their warlord ways and their corrupted practices. Everyone also knows for a fact and without any reasonable doubt, MCA and Gerakan will toe the line. It has been the norms, tradition that during the general election, MCA and Gerakan leaders will shout for this and that, promise this and that. They will always say that they will stand up to big bro

UMNO when there is unfair policies but when shit hits the fan, all this "fearless" MCA and Gerakan leader suddenly become "kuci miao" and just toe the line with their tail behind their back. Ah, it will be the same again coz the people up there is still the same, they are still having the same mentality and work procedures, they will never change. So, come next GE(13th), MCA and Gerakan will just disappear into oblivion if they don't break away.....but I am hoping PR will succeed first and earlier, otherwise Malaysia will go into oblivion....
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